Monday, April 24, 2006

In the Land of Beats and Pigtails

By the snap of a rubber band
He found himself in a world
He could not understand
Full of strange Beat music
And rainbowy goo
It was beginning to make sense
Until he lost his left shoe

Round and round
The pigtails danced
Heartbroken and dazed
He fell into a trance

He blinked his eyes and they were gone
Thought he, that dance must have been a dream
But then he heard the Beat and the Pigtails laugh
His fears rose and he let out a scream

He knew now there was no escape
No one to save him now
The pigtails beckoned to him
The beat rising to a row

He was ready to surrender
He was ready to die
He tried to speak
But all he could do was cry

Then by some miracle
The beat began to fade
The pigtails now stood still
Then became statues of jade

Green clouds covered the purple sun
All the world was dead
He decided to run
The earth turned to jelly under his feet
He was engulfed in it, all sticky and sweet
Once it had covered him all the way
He found himself home
Hopefully to stay


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